AWE Contact and Directions
How to Get to AWE

By Train
F Train to York St. Walk one block down from Jay Street to Front Street and turn left. Turn right at Pearl Street and walk past outdoor paved triangle. The building is on the left side of the street.
A/C Train to High St. Take Cadman Plaza West/ Henry Street Exit. Cross the street at Cadman Plaza West and walk through park. Continue to walk downhill on Washington Street. Turn right on Front Street and walk two blocks to Pearl Street. Turn left at Pearl Street and walk past outdoor paved triangle. The building is on left side of street.
By Car from Manhattan
Brooklyn Bridge: Stay in the right lane. Take the Cadman Plaza West exit. Make a right on Front Street. Turn left on Adams Street. Turn Right at Anchorage Place. Turn right at Pearl Street.
Manhattan Bridge: Stay in right lane. Turn right onto Concord Street after BQE exit. Turn right onto Jay Street. Stay in left lane through Sands Street to Stop sign at Prospect Street. Turn right and then left back onto Jay Street.Turn left at York Street. Turn right at Adams Street. Go through stop sign at Front Street. Turn Right at Anchorage Place. Turn right at Pearl Street.
By Bus
B61 to York and Gold streets. B67 to Sands and Jay Streets. B69 to Sands and Jay Streets. B75 to Sands and Jay Streets