AWE Summer Art and Videos 2024
AWE Artist and Art
Below are some images of students and their paintings, drawings, and collages from AWE Summer.

AWE Sculpture: Felting, Clay, Book-Making, Mixed Media
Below are some images of students, their sculptures, art objects, installations, and books from AWE Summer.

AWE Sewing
Below are some images of students and their sewing projects from AWE Summer.

AWE Print-making and Spray Painting
Below are some images of print-making and spray painting projects.

AWE Student Videos 2024
Below is a student video with Lego characters from AWE Summer and a video compilation of print-making reveal shorts from Summer and Portfolio students of 2024.
Below are some 2023-2021 student videos from the AWEDUMBO YouTube channel under the playlist, AWE 2021. To see each video, press the arrow on the bottom left: Watch on YouTube. You will be taken to a new window.